Homeowner charter

This page outlines the standards of behaviour you can expect from the New Zealand Claims Resolution Service (NZCRS) staff and representatives, and what you can do if you think those standards have not been met.

The NZCRS Homeowner Charter

This charter is established with an acknowledgement of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and its principles of partnership, mutual benefit and protection.

We will:

  • Put you at the centre of our processes and support you to resolve your claim.
  • Walk the journey with you at your pace.
  • Provide you one point of contact to support you through the claim resolution process.
  • Be available to meet with you face-to-face (either in person or virtually), when appropriate.
  • Listen carefully so that we understand your perspective.
  • Be respectful, responsible, friendly and professional.
  • Be transparent by providing access to information that’s held about your claim.
  • Give you information that is correct, easy to understand and reflective of your policy entitlements and limitations.
  • Provide access to technical information and support to assist you to reach a resolution.
  • Respect your cultural needs, such as making decisions as a whānau (family).

You will:

  • Be treated with courtesy and respect.
  • Be listened to.
  • Be able to bring a friend or member of your whānau as a support person.
  • Have the time you need to make decisions.
  • Have access to information about your insurance claim.
  • Be given fair and impartial service.
  • Have your information kept private and confidential.
  • Have the choice to resolve your claim through other avenues at any time.

So that we can help you, we need you to:

  • Provide the information we need to assist you to reach resolution.
  • Attend and be prepared for meetings.
  • Treat our staff with courtesy and respect.

Code of Conduct for NZCRS staff and representatives

NZCRS staff and representatives follow the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s (MBIE) Code of Conduct, which sets the expected standards of behaviour for all NZCRS staff and representatives. It focuses on acting fairly, impartially, responsibly, and in a trustworthy manner.

MBIE’s Code of Conduct aligns with the Public Service Commission’s Standards of Integrity and Conduct.

Integrity and Conduct – Public Service Commission(external link)

Making a complaint

Our Code of Conduct and Homeowner Charter set out what you can expect of NZCRS staff when they are working with you. If for some reason your expectations are not met, you have the option to make a formal complaint by phone, email or post.

You can make a complaint by:

  • Calling us on: 0508 624 327
  • Email at: complaints@nzcrs.govt.nz
  • Writing to: NZCRS at PO Box 22725, Christchurch Central 8142.

When the NZCRS receives your complaint, we will send you an acknowledgment letter within 2 working days advising that the Investigating Manager will be in contact within 2 working days to discuss your complaint.

The NZCRS has 7 working days to investigate your complaint and reach a decision. The Investigating Manager will write to you advising of the decision, outlining the evidence considered and reasoning, any action taken because of the complaint, and any remedy offered.

The Investigating Manager will also advise you that you may escalate the matter to Office of the Ombudsman or the Office of the Privacy Commissioner (as appropriate) if you are not satisfied with the outcome or process.

If your complaint is about another organisation, this is a referable complaint. We will let you know if your complaint is being referred to another organisation.