Register with the NZCRS

Fill out this form to register with the New Zealand Claims Resolution Service (NZCRS). Once you have registered, our team will contact you within 2 business days to discuss the next steps.

When you provide personal information, it will be held by NZCRS.

We will store and keep personal information secure in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020 and agents will be subject to MBIE's information security and privacy requirements.

It may be stored or accessed on behalf of the NZCRS by authorised third parties (such as third-party contractors) to the extent that is necessary, for example to administer or work on NZCRS website.

Fields marked with an * must be completed for us to contact you if needed.

Do you have an insurance issue related to residential property damage resulting from a natural disaster?
Are you completing this form on behalf of someone else?

NZCRS will contact the property owner. Please provide your contact details in-case we need to contact you.

No hyphens or spaces
How did you find out about the NZCRS?

Property owner details

No hyphens or spaces

As this is a required field please enter “” in the email address text box above.

Information about the affected property

Address of the affected property

I am currently living in this property.

Postal address

Claim details

What was the event that caused the property damage?
Did you own this property at the time of the event?
Do you have a Deed of Assignment?
Is the property structurally joined, for example flat, apartment?
Let us know the issues you are experiencing with your claim. The case manager will talk through your claim in more detail when they contact you.


I have read and understand the NZCRS privacy statement

NZCRS only provide support for residential property insurance issues relating to a natural disaster e.g., land or buildings. They don't provide support for other types of insurance claims, for example car or contents. For these types of issues contact Insurance Council of NZ or the Ombudsman.

Complaints — Insurance Council of NZ

How to make a complaint — Ombudsman